Deposit.exe (latest compile) – Download Instructions:
1. Click on Deposit.exe v 3.61 (9.27.2021)
2. Select “Save to Disk” and navigate to C:\EZ-DepositSlip.
3. Select Save. When prompted if you wish to save the new file deposit.exe over the old file deposit.exe select yes.
4. Open EZ-DepositSlip normally from your desktop icon.
Reference to Common Topics
EZ-DepositSlip Demo Download
If you are having difficulties installing EZ-DepositSlip go to the DEMO download page for detailed instructions. Follow the InstallAware wizard instructions. When EZ-DepositSlip is installed you will find an icon on your desktop labeled EZ-Depositslip. Select this icon and select DEMO when prompted or enter your paid keycode.
If you experiencing an error or need help:
If you are experiencing a bug we will need to know:
1. Your current version. See Help-About. If you do not have the most current compile (deposit.exe) see the download section above.
2. The exact error message or print screen. Also include your operating system.
3. The exact keystrokes that created the crash/error. If we can reproduce the problem it can be fixed.
Use the support form at the bottom of this or send your questions/comments/problems to ezdepositslip@gmail.com. Please put “ez-depositslip support” in the subject line and include your version and license number (See Help – About). We also encourage suggestions on how to make our software even more useful.
EZ-DepositSlip Upgrade
For upgrading your EZ-Deposit from a DEMO to a licensed version click UPGRADE.
EZ-DepositSlip Paid Support Services
EZ-DepositSlip provides free email tech support for up to 60 days. You are welcome to contact us for additional free support but we reserve to the right to charge using our paid support services. Many advances questions such as transferring old data to a new PC or what to do after your computer crashes is available on this page.
EZ-DepositSlip Lost Keycode
If you are a licensed user and lost your keycode, no problem ? just send us an email with your original order information.
Send us an email at ezdepositslip@gmail.com, and put “lost ez-depositslip keycode” in the subject line. Please include as much information about the original purchase date, licensed user name and email that was used on the order.
General Installation Information
Prior to May 2011 (Ver 3.x) the default EZ-DepositSlip installation folder was: C:\Program Files\EZ-DepositSlip. This folder contains about 20 files and two sub folders \backup and \sounds. Starting in May 2011 the default path was changed to C:\EZ-DepositSlip.
The executable file, often referred to as the engine or compile, is Deposit.exe. There are 3 databases for storing information in the application. The main database is DepositDB.mdb. This holds all of the information about your accounts, payers, and the deposit transactions. The parms.mdb holds data about the application such as paths, user defined info and date of install. Finally the file sec.mdb (optional) contains security information.
The backup folder can contain up to the last 10 copies of the main database (DepositDB.mdb) with each copy referencing the date of backup in the file name (i.e. DEPOSIT_BACKUP12212009.mdb). The backup feature automatically backs up your current data to C:\EZ-DepositSlip\backup when you exit the program. Instructions for reinstalling from the backup folder are below.
How to move or copy data from an old computer to a new computer
Did your old PC crash or you got a new PC? You can transfer your old data. Its not too complicated provided your old data is not corrupted and you are comfortable with Windows. If you still need help we offer paid support.
The overall idea is to install the most current demo version of EZ-Deposit Slip on your new PC verifying that there are no issues. Then locate and copy your old data base files from your old PC or hard drive to your new PC.
1. Install EZ-DepositSlip to the new PC using the latest EZ-DepositSlip demo. When prompted for your name and keycode enter it as provided from your jewel case or email notification. Make sure that there were no errors during the installation.
2. After confirming your new EZ-DepositSlip installation on the new PC opens without errors exit out of the application. Locate and rename depositdb.mdb on the new PC. For example C:\EZ-DepositSlip\DepositDB.mdb becomes C:\EZ-DepositSlip\DepositDB_Backup_todays_date.mdb. Do the same with parms.mdb and optional sec.mdb .
3. Locate and copy the files DepositDB.mdb, parms.mdb and sec.mdb from the old PC to the new PC.
The following path location assumes your old data is from version 3.x with an application path C:\EZ-DepositSlip. Prior to 3.x the application path was C:\Program Files\EZ-DepositSlip\
From old pc C:\EZ-DepositSlip\DepositDB.mdb to C:\EZ-DepositSlip\ on the new PC.
From old pc C:\EZ-DepositSlip\sec.mdb to C:\EZ-DepositSlip\ on the new PC. (Note: sec.mdb is optional and may not exist)
From old pc C:\EZ-DepositSlip\parms.mdb to C:\EZ-DepositSlip\ on the new PC
(If you didnt rename the files as described above you will be prompted with a warning that a file with the same name exists, do you wish to replace the old version with the new version. Select Yes for each file.)
4. Open the new PC installation normally and verify that your account and deposit information is intact. Maintenance-Deposits.
Restore from a Backup File from the Backup Folder C:\EZ-DepositSlip\backup
If you are trying to restore or repair a corrupted main database (DepositDB.mdb) you will need to copy and rename the most recent backup file in the C:\EZ-DepositSlip\backup folder to the application folder C:\EZ-DepositSlip. This is very similar to moving data from an old PC as described above except you will need to locate the date stamped backup file depositdb.mdb file and rename it.
The backup folder C:\EZ-DepositSlip\backup contains the last 10 copies of the main database(depositdb.mdb) renamed as DEPOSIT_BACKUP1132022191214.mdb. This is an example with the date 11/03/2022. More recent versions of EZ-DepositSlip also include parms.mdb and sec.mdb in C:\EZ-DepositSlip\backup.
When restoring from date stamped backup you should locate and rename depositdb.mdb on the new PC. For example C:\EZ-DepositSlip\DepositDB.mdb becomes C:\EZ-DepositSlip\DepositDB_Backup_todays_date.mdb. The other two files parms.mdb and (optional) sec.mdb do not get date stamped in the backup folder C:\EZ-DepositSlip\backup and can be copied directly. When prompted to write over current versions accept yes.
EZ-DepositSlip Updates for Versions 1.x and 2.1x
See Help->About for Version
Version 1.X (Important Notice)
If you are using EZ-DepositSlip Version 1.X you cannot upgrade to 3.x directly. We apologize for this inconvenience but we have significantly upgraded EZ-Deposit and made several modifications for Windows 7/8/10 compatibility. As a courtesy to our original loyal 1.x customers send us your application folder for reformatting.
MICR Font Reinstall Font Installation Utility
Locate and run InstallFont.exe in your C:\EZ-DepositSlip folder
Could not find file DepositDB.mdb – Existing User
Some users receive this error message after a PC crash or other computer related interruptions. This file is your main data base and its missing. Before you panic and contact tech support there is an auto backup system that saves the last 10 sessions. The following steps should restore your data.
1. If you get the “could not find file depositDB.mdb” you will need to click OK about 18 times to clear this error message. Eventually you will see the main screen. Exit the software.
2. Verify that you are in fact missing just this file (and not all the entire folder and contents). Navigate to C:\EZ-DepositSlip and look for DepositDB.mdb. You should see at least 10 files and two folders \Backup and \Sound. If you dont see any files or if DepositDB.mdb is there, stop and contact tech support by email with a detailed description.
3. Go to C:\EZ-DepositSlip\Backup. You should see about 10 files that named similar to DEPOSIT_BACKUP10172013.mdb. These are actually the main DepositDB.mdb databases that are backed up with a rename & date. DEPOSIT_BACKUP + DATE+ .mdb
4. Copy the most recent backup file by date C:\EZ-DepositSlip\Backup\ DEPOSIT_BACKUP10172013.mdb to the application folder C:\EZ-DepositSlip.
5. Rename DEPOSIT_BACKUP10172013.mdb to DepositDB.mdb (see note below on file extensions if you cant see .mdb). Open your software as you normally would and verify that your data is in there.
A note on files names and file extensions (suffixes). By default newer versions of Windows will not display file extensions for common files types unless you change the view settings in Windows Explorer. If you dont see extensions (.mdb) dont worry. Just make sure NOT to rename your back up file with the .mdb otherwise you will have a file named DepositDB.mdb.mdb
If this depositdeb.mdb disappears again please contact us by email.
Error 3024 Could not find the file DepositDB.mdb – Demo or 1st Time User
If you are new to EZ-DepoistSlip or trying the demo, you may encounter this error. The most likely cause is that you do not have administrative rights to install or run or the software. Dont panic, Windows is just trying to protect you from installing malicious software. There are a few steps to bypass this error, however EZ-DepositSlip requires administrative rights (read and write privileges in the application folder C:\EZ-DepositSlip)
1. You will need to click OK about 18 times to clear this error message. Eventually you will see the main screen. Exit the software.
2. Run EZ-DepositSlip as Administrator – read on.
If EZ-Deposit Slip program installs (without error) but does not run property, right-click the program icon, click Properties, click the Compatibility tab, select the Run this program as an administrator check box, enter the administrator password and confirmation and then try to run the software. If Run this program as an administrator check box is dimmed or when you select (left click once) the EZ-DepositSlip icon and right click do not have the option to Run as Administrator as shown below, you do have have administrative rights. You will need to contact your network administrator for help.
3. If you need to install EZ-Deposit with administrative rights navigate to the demo download file ezdepositslip_demo.exe, right click and select the option to Run as Administrator.
Error 5000 CP Internal 10 or 100 – Cant Process Report
Some users report this message and cant print reports. The error appears suddenly after months or years of use for no apparent reason. Its not a bug with EZ-DepositSlip but rather a conflict with your antivirus software. Starting with version 3.2 we are providing an alternative report using Microsoft’s Dot Net Framework.
1. Exit out of EZ-DepositSlip
2. Download the most current Deposit.exe compile to the application folder C:\EZ-DepositSlip. (see above for instructions)
3. Download and install EZ-Deposit Dot Net Report Patch (EZDepositActiveRpts.exe) to the application folder C:\EZ-DepositSlip. Run EZDepositActiveRpts.exe. This will install Dot Net 3.5 and the alternative report writer.
4. Open EZ-Deposit from your desktop and go to Preferences- Use Alternative Reporting – select On. (Very important). Unfortunately the new report writer will load the default Windows printer rather than the printer you selected in EZ-DepositSlip. You can change the printer in the print preview screen.
DBGRID32.ocx Error Message
Component DBGRID32.OCX or one of its dependencies not correctly registered a file is missing or invalid”. This occurs for a few reasons. The file may be there but is not registered properly, missing or out-of-date.
It is important to know if you are running a 32 bit or 64 bit version of Windows before attempting to reinstall. To identify the version, enter Computer in the search box, Right-click on My Computer. Click on Properties. The System Properties window will show the version.
Before continuing we recommend renaming the existing file dbgrid32.ocx if it exists as a backup.
How to manually install and register Dbgrid32.ocx (Version
Step 1. Download and save dblist32.ocx to your windows system folder.
For 64 bit versions of Windows (7/8/10) the default location for this file is C:\Windows\SysWOW64\
For 32 bit versions of Windows (Windows XP, Vista, 7) the default location for this file is C:\Windows\System32
Step 2. Go to Start-Run and Register the file by typing (do not type the quotes)
“regsvr32 c:\Windows\SysWOW64\dbgrid32.ocx ” (64 bit) or
“regsvr32 c:\Windows\system32\dbgrid32.ocx ” (32 bit)
Note: If you use Windows 7/8/10 when registering Dbgrid32.ocx, it must be done as administrator, or regsvr32.exe will fail with error code.
To do this as administrator, Go to ‘All Programs -> Accessories -> Command Prompt’, right click on ‘Command Prompt’ icon, and click on ‘Run as administrator’ to start a command prompt, then run the regsvr32 command